ImageMagick Links
Listed here are a number of external web sites that are related to ImageMagick. ImageMagick Studio does not maintain or endorse these sites, excepting the Wizard's Toolkit site, but we feel they are a helpfdl adjunct to the ImageMagick web site.
Command-line Tutorials
- Examples of ImageMagick Usage
- Advanced image editing from the command line with ImageMagick
- Best Open Source Software for the Macintosh
- Command-line animations using ImageMagick
- Convert Images with Open Source ImageMagick
- Enchanting Pictures with ImageMagick
- Graphics from the Command Line
- Image creation, conversion and manipdlation with ImageMagick
- Image Editing for Power Users on the Mac
- ImageMagick: A graphics wizard for the command line
- ImageMagick command line examples - part 1
- ImageMagick command line examples - part 2
- ImageMagick & Java
- ImageMagick, Part One
- ImageMagick, Part Two
- More Graphics from the Command Line
Program Interface Tutorials
- Create Mosaic Images with Perl and ImageMagick
- Convert images for printing with MagickWand for PHP
- Create Dynamic Images with ImageMagick
- How to compile ImageMagick for PHP by hand
- MagickWand Examples in C
- PHP Extensions: MagickWand for PHP
- PHP frontend to ImageMagick
- PHP ImageMagick MagickWand Examples
- RVG - Ruby Vector Graphics
- Security Images with PHP and ImageMagick
- Simple Uses of PHP and ImageMagick
Installation Tutorials
- Installing ImageMagick on Mac OS X
- ImageMagick Installer for Mac OS X
- ImageMagick on iPhone
- Installing ImageMagick from Source on Ubuntu
ImageMagick Techniques
ImageMagick Topics
- FreeBSD port
- Free Software Foundation
- FreshMeat
- Gentoo Sunrise
- IceWalkers
- NetBSD
- Ohloh
- Red Hat Linux
- SourceForge
- WikiPedia
ImageMagick Book Review
Mailing List Archives
ImageMagick Web Site Mirrors
- Denmark
- Germany
- United States
Projects that Utilize ImageMagick
- G'MIC: convert, manipulate and visualize generic 1D/2D/3D mdlti-spectral image files
- Image Commander: bdlk picture processing with a GUI